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[ Terms and Conditions ]

Before downloading database text data or database program files from the Thermodynamic & Sorption DataBase site, please read the following terms and conditions carefully as information concerning copyrighted material is explained.
By using this site, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions described here.
Please refrain from the use of this site if you do not agree to the terms and conditions indicated here.

||| Restrictions concerning the use of downloaded database text data or, database program files |||

The Thermodynamic & Sorption DataBase Website is operated by the Radionuclide Migration Research Group, Geological Isolation Research Unit, Geological Isolation Research and Development Directorate, JAEA.
Database text data or database program files downloaded from the Thermodynamic & Sorption DataBase Website owned, operated, authorized and managed by the Radionuclide Migration Research Group must not be modified, duplicated, displayed or distributed.
However, database text data or database program files can be downloaded if the copyright or right of ownership is kept.
Modification of database text data or database program files is a violation of copyright/ownership of the Radionuclide Migration Research Group.

In the case of publication of technical information, which uses database text data or database program files, you need to write the reference as follows.
For the usage of database text data (TDB):
  Please make reference to the Website URL of each TDB data.
For the usage of database program files (SDB):
  Please make reference to the Sorption DataBase System (Access 2002 Version).

||| Restrictions concerning the purpose of downloading database text data or database program files |||

Database text data or database program files found in the Thermodynamic & Sorption DataBase can be used only for non-profit purpose.
The information may be used free of charge.
JAEA reserves the right to change the distribution policy without prior notification.

< In case database text data or database program files will be used for for-profit purpose,
the user must contact the Radionuclide Migration Research Group, JAEA for licensing information. >

Database text data or database program files found in the Thermodynamic & Sorption DataBase Website are subject to change or update without prior notice for better use or expansion of function.
When downloading database text data or database program files from the Thermodynamic & Sorption DataBase Website, the Radionuclide Migration Research Group has authorized the user to use the database text data or database program files.
Although the user may have the ownership of the recording medium, the Radionuclide Migration Research Group has complete legal and intellectual property rights over the database text data or database program files.
The user may not redistribute or sell the contents of the database text data or database program files.
